
Yet we don’t want you to worry about any
unforeseen difficulties.

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Popular Questions

Find and share your questions or solutions with M-Product users. If you want to talk more, come and join in our forum.

Are you a new M-Proudct user?

We’re always happy to welcome a new product user.

Here is the help for first printing setting.

Watch the vedio

Why can't I install software?

Let us help you set up your Xmaker and show you some

of the great features that come with it.

Watch the vedio

Warranty and Service

Every M-Product unit comes with a one year warranty so you can relax and enjoy your new machine. During the last month of your warranty period,

you’ll be given the opportunity to extend your warranty. M-Product is built to last, yet we don’t want your to worry about any unforeseen dificulties.

When you purchanse an M-Product, you’ll also have access to our support team. We believe in a high level of customer service and want to help you make the most of your

new machine.

Guide and tools

The series of tutorials online will guide you from unpackaging to completion. Click here and Find the exact one you need.

Get connect with us

Any problem? Try to connect with us by phone, email, or make an appointment . Our groups are ready to answer

your questions,and bring your printing to the next level .

Reular Contact Info

Monday to Friday

GMT+8 8:30AM to 5:30PM

Yinzhou District,Ningbo,Zhejiang,


Call on us



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